Choose which words that are underlined are what kinds of words.
1.Go to the playground with us playground is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 2.Mandy was so happy she skipped down the street. skipped is ... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 3.We hung shiny decorations on our Christmas tree. shiny is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 4.Carlos can run faster than anyone in our school. faster is ... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 5.Please get me a bunch of ripe bananas when you go to the store. ripe is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 6.Jalen's dad sings loudly in the shower. loudly is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 7.Alex choked on his food because he ate so fast. choked is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 8.Did you finish your homework yet? homework is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 9.We're having pizza for dinner tonight. pizza is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 10.Emily has to clean her messy room before she goes out. messy is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 11.Mom baked cookies for us. baked is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb 12.Grace wants to go shopping tomorrow. tomorrow is... A: Noun B: Verb C: Adjective D: Adverb ✔️Answer ✔️
Multiple choice questions
เช่น ผู้ชาย พ่อ ผู้หญิง สุนัข แมว นก
Example and, but, therefore, beside,
Today,We are going to learn about Parts of Speech.
1.Conjunctions conjunction is a word that joins two or more words, phrases, or clauses. → คำอุทาน เป็นคำอุทานที่แสดงถึงอารมณ์ ความรู้สึกที่เกิดขึ้นในขณะนั้น โดยไม่เกี่ยวข้องกับคำอื่นๆ ใน ประโยคเลย